Presentations Heading link
Talks given by Natasha Devroye since January 2009 (arrival at UIC). For conference talks, please see the Publications site.
Invited talks
•”Interactive communications,” Information Theory Society Distinguished Lecture at University of Michigan, October 21, 2021.
•“Interactive communications,” Information Theory Society Distinguished Lecture at IEEE COMSOC and ITSOC Chicago Section (virtual), May 7, 2021.
•“Interactive communications,” Information Theory Society Distinguished Lecture at IEEE Rourkela Section (virtual), April 29, 2021.
•“Interactive communications,” Information Theory Society Distinguished Lecture at UT Austin, April 10, 2019.
•“Interactive communications,” Information Theory Society Distinguished Lecture at Texas A&M University, April 11, 2019.
•“Interactive communications,” Information Theory Society Distinguished Lecture at University of North Texas (UNT), April 12, 2019.
•“On the zero-error capacity of channels with rate limited noiseless feedback,” invited to the In- formation Theory and Applications Workshop at the Catamaran Resort, San Diego, February 13, 2019.
•“On the zero-error capacity of channels with noisy feedback,” invited to the Information Theory and Applications Workshop at the Catamaran Resort, San Diego, February 12, 2018.
•“One-Shot Zero Error Network Problems (with and without Solutions)”’ invited to the SINE/CSL Seminar Series at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, March 13, 2017.
•“One-Shot Zero Error Network Problems (with and without Solutions)”’ invited to the Informal Systems Seminar at the Centre for Intelligent Machines at McGill University, November 28, 2016.
•“One-Shot Zero Error Network Problems (with and without Solutions)”’ invited to the ECE Seminar Series at the Illinois Institute of Technology, November 22, 2016.
• Discrete Inputs in Interference Channels, and the Zero-error Primitive Relay Channel” invited to the 2015-2016 Information Processing Group seminar series, EPFL, May 17, 2016.
• A quick introduction to information theory invited lecture in the Fundamentals of Informatics course (non-science major) at Kyoto University, October 14, 2015.
• A touch of network information theory invited to the Kyoto University Informatics Seminar, October 1, 2015.
• When should interference be treated as noise? invited at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National University of Singapore, August 27, 2015.
• An introduction to two-way networks, invited to the Systems, Information and Learning Opti- mization (SILO) seminar series at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, December 10, 2014.
• “What information theory can (and cannot) tell us about spectrum sharing,” invited talk to Huawei University Days, Rolling Meadows, IL, August 11-12, 2014.
• “A few examples (and open problems) of when adaptation is useless in two-way networks” invited talk to the Workshop on Sequential and Adaptive Information Theory, Montreal, Quebec, November 7-9, 2013. Hosted by Aditya Mahajan, Serdar Yuksel, and Tara Javidi.
• “A (very) brief tour of three network information theory problems” invited talk at Intel, Libertyville, IL on June 12, 2013. Hosted by Greg Agami.
• “To adapt or not in two-way interference channels?” invited talk at Workshop on Interference in Networks organized by Bobak Nazer and Salman Avestimehr on June 30, 2012 at Boston University.
• “Structured codes in wireless relay networks” plenary talk at Sytacom Summer School 2012, in Montreal, Canada. Hosted by Mike Rabbat and Fabrice Labeau, June 14, 2012.
• “Multi-user two-way channels: can adaptation be useless?” invited to seminar talk at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. Hosted by Dongning Guo, May 30, 2012.
• “Exploiting scene knowledge in radar systems,” presented at AFRL Wright-Patterson Air-Force Base, Dayton, OH. Hosted by Murali Rangaswamy and Braham Himed, Feb. 28, 2012.
• “Examples of when interaction is useless in multi-user two-way channels,” invited to Information Theory and Applications (ITA) Workshop, January 2012.
• “Lattice codes for Gaussian relay channels,” invited to the BIRS workshop Algebraic Structure in Network Information Theory, August 2011. without build-in
• “Lattices and list decoding for relay networks,” ICWS & Communications seminar, UIUC, November 2010.
• “Multi-user information theory and an example: the two-way relay channel,” at UIC’s Statistics, and Computer Science @ UIC Computer Science Seminar, October 2010.
• “Information theoretic limits of two-way relay networks,” at Motorola, June 24 2010.
• “Information theoretic limits of cognitive networks,” at the University of Western Ontario, May 2010.
• “Fundamental limits of Cognitive Networks,” at Purdue’s Lecture Series on Science of Information,Purdue University, February 2010.
• “Software-defined radio at UIC” given in collaboration with Ph.D. student Udayasree Yeddanapudi at UIC’s Departmental Seminar Series, December 2009.
• “Fundamental Limits of Cognitive Networks: Tutorial and Tour” given as a part of Motorola’s Technical Enrichment Matrix program in Schaumburg, IL on July 10, 2009.
• “Cognitive radios to reduce, reuse and recycle unused spectrum.”
• “The interference channel” (slides) (associated handout) from the 2016 North American School of Information Theory, June 22, 2016.
• “Communicating dialgoues: an information theoretic view of the past and present advances and challenges in two-way communications,”(Part 1) (Part 2) given at the 33rd IEEE Sarnoff Symposium in Princeton, NJ, April 12, 2010.
• “Information Theoretic Limits of Cognition and Cooperation in Wireless Networks ” given at Wireless @ Virginia Tech’s 5th Annual Symposium on Wireless Personal Communications, June 3-5, 2009.
Non-research / women-in-science talks

• “A quick introduction to information theory,”invited to the UIC Undergraduate Math Seminar, February 22, 2012.
“An academic path: me, my job and my research” given to two final year Physics classes at the Young Women’s Leadership Charter School of Chicago about my experiences getting into academia and wireless communications, November 2009.
• “A Personal Timeline,” given to UIC’s Society of Women Engineering in their “Recipes for Success” series, October 2009.